Nurturing a Love for Geography

$500 goal

The Description
With these funds I will buy atlases for my students. As I do not have technology in my classroom, my students do not have many opportunities to hands-on explore maps. I only have two for my classroom right now—not enough for some of my classes that are up to 28 students! My students are so curious and are always asking to explore different maps of the world, find countries they’ve never heard of before, and just have the basic necessities for a geography classroom. I have also started a geography club after school, so funds would go to that, as well. In addition to my needs in geography, I will use these funds to buy dwindling materials for my classroom—laminator, notebooks, color ink (so expensive!), a lamp, markers, etc. Any donation will help.
Back Up Plan
If we do not reach our goal I will purchase the remaining supplies and/or take money from my savings.
About the Creator

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