Materials for Mathematicians
Verified Non-Profit
$500 goal
The Description
Many of my students have great odds to overcome, and they need many opportunities for positive experiences and interactions, to balance risk factors with protective factors in their lives. While they are young, it is most important to foster their innate curiosity and intrinsic motivation. I believe in the constructivist approach to teaching and learning with hands on materials, so our classroom needs vary based on where students take their learning. As this is my first year of teaching, I do not have a supply of pre-made or pre-bought items. I shop and plan every weekend for the following week, adjusting instruction and differentiating as much as possible to reach each individual child. Most recently, I have purchased supplies to make Montessori materials for students (multiple colors of beads, pipe cleaners, organization trays and boxes, felt mats, number tiles etc.). After learning about rekenreks as a powerful tool for teaching composing and decomposing, I purchased materials to make them for my students, as well as a teacher rekenrek. I also spend quite a bit on card stock paper and printing to make math games, and buy supporting materials such as dice, connecting cubes, counters, etc. Students check out games to play at home with family members, an experience that they cherish! In the near future, I plan to purchase more Montessori materials as well as a printer so that we can print games, and have more hands on experience with mathematics. Here are links to items:
Brother HLL8350CDW Wireless Color Laser Printer ($339.23):
Montessori Large Wooden Number Cards with Box ($26.95)
Kid Advance Montessori Elementary Negative Snake Game ($75.99)
Montessori Addition Snake Game ($37.99)
Back Up Plan
If you have been on pinterest, you know that teachers become very creative in their classrooms. We are driven find ways to engage every single one of our students, and we typically spend quite a bit of time and money to do so! As a first year teacher, I am looking to build my classroom resources with educational tools that will engage and motivate all of my students. They are so thankful and appreciative of the smallest gifts in life.
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