I Love the Smell of Play-dough in the Morning

Verified Non-Profit

$150 goal

The Description
With these funds I will...be able to buy play-dough.
I have the honor of seeing a child’s face the first time they see the magic that happens when yellow and blue make green. I have the privilege of showing them the genius of Michelangelo and the wonder of finger paint.
I get to watch as they create mini masterpieces and for just a few moments their world is different. It is filled with beauty and possibilities. It is more than an art project; it is created with a hand, mind and heart of a child. I want them to have something that they made to give or keep that is special and beautiful. With your help they can have that special something that they made, that they created.
Play-dough! 3D art is real and tangible it lets them create a world of their choosing.
Children need to create. They need to feel that what they make is important. What they do is important.
My school is in a transient town with a high meth-addicted population and an over 50% high school dropout rate. I have kindergarteners who see crayons for the first time when I hand them out. I have high school students who only attend their other classes because we offer art. I make use out of everything I can get my hands on. I spend many weekends at yard sales and flea markets and have spent more of my own money than I want to count. It is great that the school supports the arts by employing me but that means there is almost no budget left for art supplies.
Play-dough may seem like a simple thing, but it is a tool that I can use to show the students there is a world out there, that there is beauty, and that they can create something good. Something they created.
Back Up Plan
If I do not meet my goal I will purchase...as mush play-dough as I can.
About the Creator

I get to watch as they create mini masterpieces and for just a few moments their world is different. It is filled with beauty and possibilities. That little playdough dinosaur is
an art project it is created with a hand, mind and heart. I want them to have something that they made to give or keep that is special and beautiful. With your help they can have that special something that they made, that they created.
I am a K-12th grade art teacher.
Investments (1)
9 years ago
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