Youth Villages - Nicholas Hobbs Academy is a highly rated, private, alternative school located in Bartlett, TN. It has 332 students in grades 2-12 with a student-teacher ratio of 13 to 1. After graduation, 100% of students from this school go on to attend a 4-year college
Located in a quiet, residential neighborhood just outside Memphis, the Bartlett Campus features 82 open acres with a large lake, old-growth trees, green lawns and beautiful landscaping. The campus features recently renovated cottages and a state-accredited, on-campus school and recreational center.
Located in a quiet, residential neighborhood just outside Memphis, the Bartlett Campus features 82 open acres with a large lake, old-growth trees, green lawns and beautiful landscaping. The campus features recently renovated cottages and a state-accredited, on-campus school and recreational center.
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