North Bend Elementary/Middle School

Baltimore, Maryland


North Bend Elementary Middle School employs “Great Expectations” and provides “Endless Possibilities” for our scholars. NBEMS is nestled in the Southwest area of Baltimore City and provides students with gifted and advanced learning, honors courses in middle school, and was recently identified as an ESOL site and Intensive Literacy site. NBEMS was recognized by the State of Maryland with an Excellence in Gifted and Talented Education (EGATE) Award in February 2019. NBEMS works to ensure all students achieve a well-rounded academic, social, and emotional experience by providing engaging and rigorous instruction within a safe and supportive learning environment. The Board of School Commissioners voted on January 11, 2022 to amend Exhibit 6 of the 21st Century Buildings Plan to add the West Baltimore building to the list and to expedite the surplus of the building from summer 2022 to spring 2022.
$565 Raised
7 Investors
Bringing Families to Pride Rock
by Kelly Durkin
at North Bend Elementary/Middle School
days left

Kelly Durkin

Drama Teacher

I teach PK-8 Drama at a Title I school in Baltimore, MD. I've been teaching in Baltimore for 14 years, but I'm new to this school. This is my school's first year having a Theatre program, and I am doing everything I can to introduce my students to the power of theatre.