Welcome to Nanaikapono Elementary located in the beautiful Nanakuli Valley. Nanaikapono was originally built in 1933 right next to the beach. Then in 2004, construction started on a new campus located across the street on Mano Ave. The campus is home to the Nanaikapono Community Museum, State of the Art Media Center, and Computer Labs. At Nanaikapono we focus on achieving excellence through technology, culture and the arts.
Our vision is to provide opportunities for students to achieve excellence by realizing their full potential through their participation with technology, culture, and the arts in a literate and social environment that promotes learning and productivity in a global society. We want to achieve academic excellence by providing a safe and nurturing environment, with the cooperation of our extended school-community Ohana, promoting student success in the 21st Century through standard-based lessons and instructions based on real world topics and experiences so that students can meet or exceed the standards. These educational and social opportunities will help students realize their fullest potential towards becoming productive members of our global society.
Our vision is to provide opportunities for students to achieve excellence by realizing their full potential through their participation with technology, culture, and the arts in a literate and social environment that promotes learning and productivity in a global society. We want to achieve academic excellence by providing a safe and nurturing environment, with the cooperation of our extended school-community Ohana, promoting student success in the 21st Century through standard-based lessons and instructions based on real world topics and experiences so that students can meet or exceed the standards. These educational and social opportunities will help students realize their fullest potential towards becoming productive members of our global society.
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Deanna Choy
4th Grade Teacher
4th grade teacher, Nanaikapono Elementary School. Born and raised in Hawaii