Mooresville Middle School

Mooresville, North Carolina


Mooresville Middle School is home to all Mooresville Graded School District students in seventh and eighth grades. A variety of athletic, academic and social clubs give every student the opportunity to be involved in the MMS community.

Mooresville Middle School is dedicated to providing an inviting, nurturing, and challenging environment that fosters individual growth and educational excellence for the early adolescent.

All students at MMS are provided a MacBook Air for their use 24/7 throughout the school year. Along with excellent instruction by the teachers and a culture of nurturance instilled throughout the school, this technology has proven beneficial in helping every child succeed. The success of MMS was evident in June 2013 when President Obama chose MMS to visit and announce his ConnectED initiative.
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Making Space for a Makerspace
by Allison Long
at Mooresville Middle School
minutes left

Allison Long

SLMC - 7/8

I have been an educator for 25 years with 21 years as a School Library Media Coordinator. I love going to work each and every day and exploring the world with my students. They teach me something every day.