Memorial Parkway Jr. High focuses on student learning by engaging students in meaningful study and using a variety of techniques that recognize the many ways in which students learn. MPJH offers a challenging curriculum that surpasses traditional textbook learning. Students with special needs are served by direct enrichment programs, tutorials, a community mentoring program and an adaptive behavior classroom that assists students with conflict resolution and anger management. Students who need greater academic challenges have access to pre-advanced placement courses, gifted and talented enrichment classes and individualized programs. Seventh and eighth graders can choose from a full array of electives including fine arts, foreign language, technology, athletics and others.
$81 Raised
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Karyn Lewis
Teacher Librarian
Mrs. Lewis is an innovative librarian who enjoys connecting her students not only to the latest books, but to the trending tools and technology. She is a fan of robots, iPads, Harry Potter, and picture books. Her library is filled with conversations, students, and creations. It truly is the center of the school and "the room where it happens"!