Geoff Carlisle
8th Grade Science
8th Grade Science Teacher
Lisa Rodgers
Assistant Principal of Operations
Lisa Rodgers is a graduate of Brown University where she earned a B.A. in Human Biology and Education. Upon graduating from Brown, Ms. Rodgers immediately relocated to Chicago, Illinois to participate in a one-year fellowship with Urban Prep Charter Academy for Young Men. As a fellow, Ms. Rodgers served as a tutor, mentor and advocate to a group of high-school freshman students. This transformational experience reaffirmed Ms. Rodgers’ passion for educational equality and prepared her for the role of Teaching Fellow, which she served in her first year at KIPP before becoming the 6th grade science teacher, and special education coordinator. This year, Ms. Rodgers is the Assistant Principal of Operations. She is excited to be a part of a learning community where every single person is fully committed to the mission of getting our students to and through college. When not at school, Ms. Rodgers enjoys running (slowly) in half marathons, spinning, cooking, practicing hot yoga and visiting her family and friends in her home country, The Bahamas.
Angela Stone
Robert Herrold
I teach band, guitar and general music at KIPP Austin College Prep on Austin's North Side. I am passionate about bringing quality education to under-served students, because they deserve it.