Deer Park High School - North Campus verified non-profit

Deer Park, Texas


"Welcome to the Deer Park High School North Campus website! This website has been created to provide you with helpful information about our school. As a Texas Education Agency “Recognized” campus, we are dedicated to providing the best educational programs through our commitment to excellence. Our knowledgeable staff is committed to providing your child with a rigorous academic program with high expectations for every student. While education is our business, we want to assure you that school safety is a high priority. I am proud to work with an excellent staff at North Campus. Educating our students who attend our campus is a tremendous responsibility. It is a responsibility that I am honored to accept. I sincerely want you to know that the entire staff at Deer Park High School North Campus truly cares about every student who attends our school. We are here not only to educate each student but to help in any way possible." - Principal Ernie Salazar
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Building Critical Skills for the Future with AES Education
by Eddie McKinney
at Deer Park High School - North Campus
minutes left