Cartwright School

Phoenix, Arizona


Cartwright School is a proud K-8 school that serves the Maryvale community. It was opened in 1884 and was named after our district's founder, pioneer J.R. Cartwright and his family.

It all began when Reddick Jasper Cartwright left Illinois in 1869 by covered wagon. Settling in Prescott in 1874 and later in Phoenix in 1877, he homesteaded the area at 51st Avenue and Thomas Road. It was here that ten of the fourteen Cartwright children lived with their parents, Reddick Jasper and Sara Riggins Cartwright.
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Let Our Voices Be Heard
by David Sweeney
at Cartwright School
minutes left
Connecting Our Classroom Through Chromebooks
by David Sweeney
at Cartwright School
minutes left

David Sweeney

4th Grade

I saw it on twitter