Weve Got SWAG (Students Who Achieve Goals)

Verified Non-Profit
$10,000 goal

The Description
Did you know that the average middle schooler reads 400,000 words a year? At KIPP Academy of Innovation we want to change that. Our goal is for all of our students to read 1,000,000 words by the end of the year. One million!
We work incredibly hard to help build a love of reading for our students and our students work incredibly hard to reach their goals. We love rewarding our students for their hard work.
We do several things to reward our students:
Monthly SWAG (Students Who Achieve Goals) Parties - Every month students who reach their monthly goal for reading get to attend a celebration. These celebrations range from video game trucks, ice skating trips (in L.A), house parties, movie nights etc.
Perseverance Celebrations - Last year we wanted to make sure all students got rewarded for their hard work.We held a special celebration for students who were struggling in reading but worked incredibly hard both increase their reading level and meet their monthly word goals. That group of student got a special trip to sky zone.
Reading Benchmark Rewards - At every major benchmark on their way to 5 million we give our students a prize. As students read more and more the value of the prizes increase. When students get to a million they get a book of their choice. When a student gets to 5 million they get their own nook.
End of the Year Field trips - We also do a top ten contest. Each grade level keeps track of their top ten readers and at the end of the year we took those readers to the "Wizarding World of Harry Potter"
Aa you can see we do a lot for our students and we love doing them with our students. However, as our school grows then less money we have to spend on these events. Our budget for reading incentives has been cut significantly. With your help you will be able drastically increase the chances that ALL students will have a positive experience. Your money could help fund a video game bus OR take our 5th grade team ice skating OR you could even help take our "Top Ten" readers to Harry Potter Land.
Anything you can provide would be greatly appreciated!
The KIPP Innovation Team
Back Up Plan
If we do not meet our goal we will be able to partially pay for our incentive program.
Fundraiser Updates (1)
Pledgecents update!
September 21, 2016
Hey Everyone,
I wanted to thank everyone for donating already. The beginning of the school year is a stressful and tireless time of year. Your donation helps us and our student feel appreciated, energized and supported. I wanted to let everyone know that today PledgeCents is doing a competition based on donations. The Causes that get the most donations today (9/21) could get up to an additional $2,000 donation from Pledgecents. I realize that all of you gave already and this is not another ask for money but rather a GREAT day to share our cause on social media with your friends.
Thanks again for your donation.
About the Creator

Investments (40)
Sung Yon Lee
8 years ago
8 years ago
8 years ago
Priscyla Temblador
8 years ago
Rob Wagner
8 years ago
Catherine Martinez
8 years ago
Carmen Arredondo
8 years ago
Jose Suarez
8 years ago
Stephanie Lowe
8 years ago
Pedro Moreno
8 years ago
Carmen Arredondo
8 years ago
Zachary Usmani
8 years ago
Blake Heller
8 years ago
Damien Do
8 years ago
Gloria August-Jones
8 years ago
Maria Figueroa
8 years ago
8 years ago
Emma Thadani
8 years ago
Sandra Tinajero
8 years ago
Mendoza Family
8 years ago
Jacqueline Cid
8 years ago
Gloria Maki
8 years ago
Sung Yon Lee
8 years ago
Frances Bautista
8 years ago
Carmin Pelayo
8 years ago
Greg Temblador
8 years ago
Lawrence P Laughlin
8 years ago
Richard Norton
8 years ago
Andrea Small
8 years ago
Alison Giovanelli
8 years ago
Rhea VanDermark
8 years ago
Joshua Temblador
8 years ago
Teresa Villaruz
8 years ago
Angela Schlosser
8 years ago
Blake Heller
8 years ago
8 years ago
Monika Friedman
8 years ago
Bryan Nelson
8 years ago
Ben Schumacher
8 years ago
Steve de Man
8 years ago
Comments (2)
Gloria Maki September 15, 2016
Nelly August 12, 2016
Have a great school year!
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