Art Studio Supplies for deserving students!

Verified Non-Profit

Verified Non-Profit

The Description

With these funds I will be able to ensure that my students have the proper materials to create art that is engaging and teaches life-long skills.  How can I do that?  By allowing students to be creative problem solvers who understand how to think critically.  In my classroom we learn how to describe, analyze, interpret and evaluate art, so that we can make educated and informed evaluations.  My students will be able to carry these skills through High School, College andd beyond!  But we need your help!

What my students are in need of are the basic supplies.  I am good at re-purposing materials, but even I am not that great when it comes to basic necessities to run a proper studio.  What we are in need of are acrylic paints, a couple of new sets of paintbrushes, lapboards, color ink for our printer, a studio light for still-life drawings, smudging tools, portfolios (made from poster board), table top easels, still life props, and our big wish is for a portable display, so that students can showcase all of their hard work.  How awesome would it be to have a student art show?  Students can bring their parents and peers to see how hard they have worked, and discuss their art academically.  Also it will help my students prepare for their first major art competition and the rigors that it entails. 

All year we have been studying all of the elements and principles of art, as well as some of the masters.  Please help these students to continue expanding their creativity, imagination and critical thinking.  They have worked so hard and truly truly deserve it.

Many thanks for any help you can give.

Ms. Botello

KIPP Liberation Art

Back Up Plan

If I do not meet my goal I will purchase our big want, which is our portable art display walls.  It is of great importance that students understand how art competitions function and this would be a great warm up for it.   

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Comments (1)

Hannah December 10, 2014

Frances, thank you for your commitment and dedication to the arts. My husband is an HSPVA graduate and we are more than happy to support!

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About the Creator

5th-8th grade artist in residence at KIPP Liberation Preparatory Middle School.

Investments (1)


Hannah Chaidez

10 years ago