Honor Roll Movie Party

Verified Non-Profit

$250 goal

The Description
With these funds I will have a movie party for our Honor Roll students. These students are selected based on academics and behavior. We usually have around 30-50 students each party. I have spent $300 out of my pocket for each of the 3 parties we have had thus far. I do not mind because I believe in the idea of positive reinforcement. My students look forward to the party because it is something for them to work towards. We have students who have made it to the party and others who have attended none. However, we always amp up the pary so that all will strive to be invited based on their grades and/or behavior. Our students deserve to be honored for maintaining grades and behavior since they have 10 (yes 10!) classes. I am planning on purchasing decor, food/beverages, and gift cards with any donations. We usually have a theme that we go with and my science classroom is decorated according to the theme. We have done Monsters University, Despicable Me, and Ice Age: Continental Drift. The invitations are hand made according to the theme. The food/beverage goes along with the theme. For example, when we did Despicable Me, a parent made Minion Marshmallow Pops. For Ice Age, we have frozen blue beverages. Please donate to such a wonderful cause for such a deserving group of young children.
Back Up Plan
If I do not meet my goal I will purchase whatever I can towards the movie party. This may be food/beverages, decor, or gift cards. Usually, we have a lot of gift card donations. However, we do not have a lot of funds donated for sprucing up the classroom for an inviting atmosphere. We also don't have many parents who donate food/beverages for the party. Please think about donating whatever you can for such an amazing cause. Our students look forward to the party every six weeks.
Fundraiser Updates (1)
Thank You!
March 11, 2015
Thanks so much for all of your help for the party. The party is actually today. The theme is Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and we will be eating pizza and drinking sodas. We also purchased many decorations to make the room more inviting for all the students. Thanks again!
About the Creator

Investments (3)
Pamela Roy
10 years ago
10 years ago
Susan Bigelow
10 years ago
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