Id Rather Be Teaching

Verified Non-Profit
$199 goal

The Description
With these funds I will...purchase the ESGI software to use in my classroom. I would rather be teaching my small reading groups than spend time assessing, compiling the data and writing parent letters. With this software, I can quickly and painlessly assess students from my iPad anywhere in the room and print sight word cards specific to that child, and pre-generated parent progress letters. I have used the 60-day free trial and am in love with the program. The data is compiled for me and it is more comprehensive than any of the other programs I've seen, and definitely more efficient.
Please help me help my students. They deserve the one-on-one attention that this program can provide, and they deserve the differentiated instruction that it will allow me to tailor to their specific needs.
Back Up Plan
If I do not meet my goal I will still purchase the program using my own money. I definitely think my students are worth the investment.
About the Creator

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