Academic Pentathlon

Verified Non-Profit

Verified Non-Profit

The Description

With these funds I will register Turner Middle School for Academic Pentathlon.  We are already participating in the Academic Decathlon at Turner High School.  The Pentathlon covers 5 subject areas, while the Decathlon covers 10; hence the terms.  The Pentathlon is an enriching activity for students who enjoy engaging in academic competitions, sponsored by the United States Academic Decathlon (USAD) organization.  At the middle school level, students work together to learn more about a given topic in the areas of literature, mathematics, fine arts, science and social studies.  This year the topic is World War II.  I am interested in developing the skills to compete at the high school level by starting  the process with my younger students during middle school, just like the football coach would begin teaching the sport to younger students. or the orchestra teacher would begin string instruction at a younger age.  Teams must include students who are at "A," "B" and "C" GPA levels.  This requirement encourages students who may be curious and quick to learn who have grades that do not reflect their ability.  You can learn more by visiting the website:

If we are do well at the regional and state levels, our team will be invited to Minneapolis during the summer of 2017 to the national competition...and I will be completing another PledgeCents cause!  Please consider donating to this very worthwhile cause!

Back Up Plan

If I do not meet my goal I will use the funds to If I do not meet my goal I will use the funds to purchase the following Professor Puzzle Club mind products: Tangram ($9.95 via Fat Brain Toys), Number Crunching ($9.95 via Fat Brain Toys), Stem Set ($19.95 via Fat Brain Toys), Tantrix Match ($10.50 via Fat Brain Toys), Ultimate IQ Test Brain Teaser ($19.99 via Amazon).

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Comments (1)

LINDA COPELAND September 28, 2016

This contribution is in honor of the 40th wedding anniversary of Virginia and Richard Hammes.

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About the Creator

I teach gifted students at Turner High School and Turner Middle School. I love what I do. This year my students and other students interested in enrichment are participating in Model UN, Academic Decathlon, the StockMarket Game, Lifesmarts, EconChallenge, Personal Finance Challenge and writing contests.