Early Literacy Skill Builder

Verified Non-Profit
$1,000 goal

The Description
With these funds I will educate my students using the most interactive and engaging literacy curriculum! In working with students diagnosed with Autism there is no one size fits all. We trialed this curriculum with three of our students and the growth we have seen is beyond impressive. The ELSB has proven thus far to be an effective change in our literacy ability. The three kiddos are now participating with their typically developing peers for literacy instruction. Having access will allow our program to grow the rest of our students abilities.
Curriculum for special education is not always easy to find, access, and is something that fits the need across our vast learning styles. Our kids deserve the best resources and supports out there, this will be a great step to providing that! ELSB is described as, "a rigorous, research- based curriculum for students who have not acquired print and phonemic awareness." Moe the frog (program narrator) motivates and inspires students to actively and joyfully develop their literacy skills.
Link to literacy curriculum:
Early Literacy Skills Builder Combo Package ($995): http://www.attainmentcompany.com/early-literacy-skills-builder-combo-package
Back Up Plan
If I do not meet my goal I will still purchase this curriculum using the funds we do raise. Our classroom will work to raise the rest of money by completing jobs around the school and funding through the school.
About the Creator

Your Impact
Literacy Software
Literacy hard copy curriculum
Investments (3)
Keturah Duncan
8 years ago
8 years ago
8 years ago
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