T-Shirts for Heritage Learning & Community Service

Verified Non-Profit

$475 goal
The Description
With these funds I will purchase T-Shirts for our 32 refugee students and teachers. These shirts will be worn on our study trips and also when we are performing our "Good Deeds" that we will begin this month. These students are all new to the US and they are so grateful to be here and to be learning. They want to give back to their community so we will be doing good deeds to repay some of the generosity that has been shown to them.
This is the link to the company we will use to print our T-shirts. Donors that contribute over $75 or more will have their name on the back of our Heritage Learner shirts! We have been quoted $6.75 per shirt + artwork set up fees ($75).
These shirts will help grow the pride of these students. This is their first experience with formal education and they now want to show their appreciation for the community outreach they have received. They all want opportunities to learn and be contributing members to society. That starts with education and we are going to use the shirts when we go into the field to learn or to serve our neighbors.
Thank you for considering this cause.
Carol Salva
Teacher on Special Assignment
Spring Branch ISD
Back Up Plan
If I do not meet my goal I will purchase bilingual dictionaries for our classroom. They are roughly $19 and we could really use extra dictionaries so the students can use them at home.
The students desperately want to learn English at home. Most do not have an English speaking model at home and tell me that their parents could use a bilingual dictionary as well.
Fundraiser Updates (1)
Shirts Ordered!
March 10, 2016
Our Cause just completed and so a check in in route to our principal! We are so happy that your contribution and those of another cause, mean that we could buy the T-shirts we needed for study trips and have already taken two! I am so happy to advertise Heritage Learning and also have shirts that help me keep track of our big group.
The students are truly amazing. If you have 8 minutes and would like an update on what we are doing, here is a video we made to connect with a class at Memorial Drive Elementary as they had just finished an Alamo unit and we were about to begin an Alamo Unit.
I hope you can see what a wonderful addition our refugee students are to our community! We really appreciate your support so that we can keep extending the learning of the new students and of the community of learners in classrooms that connnect with us.
If you would like to see us in our great shirts, you can see some of the photos on our Facebook page:
We truly appreciate your support. Thank you for investing in our kiddos. Thank you so much for investing in the future!!
Gratefully yours!
Carol Salva
ESL Teacher
Spring Forest Middle School
About the Creator
Investments (2)
9 years ago
Jennifer Cooper
9 years ago
Comments (1)
Jennifer February 14, 2016
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