Classroom Supplies for 3rd Grade Super Stars
$516 goal

The Description
As many of you know I am a recent graduate from the University of Dayton. I studied Education and am excited to continue my passion as I head into the classroom. After joining Teach For America, and completing my training this summer I am thrilled and driven to begin my career in South Carolina this August. With these funds I will stock my classroom to the best of my ability to provide a welcoming and safe environment for my students. I am responsible for my classroom as well as the 20-30 students that I will be educating within this space. With this being said as a first year teacher I am aware that students need basic supplies to be successful as well as pushed to grow to their full potential.
Every dollar I raise will be put towards classroom supplies as well as supplies to further my students comfort and safety in the classroom. Every student that walks through my classroom door deserves quality education and that starts with a teacher that cares about them. A teacher that cares about them as individuals, which includes their educational as well as personal needs.
Supplies Needed:
One of my biggest hopes as a teacher is to encourage my students to read. No matter what grade level their reading is I want them to advance in reading and enjoy reading. I hope to create a classroom library that is accessible to each and every student!
Other Supplies-
Lined paper
3X5 index cards
pencils (lots of pencils!)
pencil sharpener
colored pencils
two-pocket folders
mini deodorant
snack size gold fish, pretzels, and granola bars
Packs of socks
anchor chart paper
clorox wipes
hand sanitizer
broom and dust pan
Back Up Plan
If we do not reach our goal I will prioritize supplies that will benefit my students the most. These supplies include the essentials that ensure each student is able to participate and actively engage in every lesson.
About the Creator

Investments (6)
6 years ago
Dustin Shannon
6 years ago
Bridget Oleksy
6 years ago
6 years ago
Alexis Long
6 years ago
Kristen Billyer
6 years ago
Comments (1)
Kristen B July 17, 2018
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