AP Government and Politics Study Guides

Verified Non-Profit

Verified Non-Profit

The Description

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My 11-12th grade students have spent this school year trudging along through one of the most difficult courses of their lives. This year has been especially challenging as the AP Government and Politics course and exam have been completely revamped, and navigating the best way to prepare is now a challenge for students and teachers alike. Because this exam is so challenging, there are very few helpful resources available online or without cost. I want to provide my incredibly hard-working students with resources to support their success.  

Since August, students have worked extremely hard to explore the ins and outs of the American Government. They have studied the origin and foundations of the Constitution to the underpinnings of the Federalist Papers. Their passion for Civil Rights and Liberties has brought the court room in my class room. Students are thoroughly interested in the organization of political parties especially with the upcoming election in 2016.

Most notably in my opinion, students have read hundreds of challenging primary sources in order to fully understand the diversity of experience within our country’s history. This has allowed students to generate thoughtful questions and engaging discussion around the passion behind the revolution and the commitment to forming a new, democratic government at a time when the world was ruled by monarchs. Conversely, they’ve analyzed the extent to which the new government and leadership truly stood for freedom and equality. At each turn students have broadened their own interpretation of events and deepened their understanding of the human experience of the American Government.

This truly amazing group has taken notes on hundreds of pages of dense history text, written dozens of challenging papers, pushed themselves further than they likely thought possible and done it all with enthusiasm. Almost every student in the class has a 100% homework average – a testament to the commitment of drive of each and every one of them.

It would be a shame if this group of terrific teenagers, who has worked so hard and experienced so much, did not have the resources to truly be prepared for their AP exam in May. I want these students to have the same opportunities as students around the country. I want them to be able to use a study guide, take practice tests and review everything from the Articles of Confederation to the Brown v. Board decision. These guides will allow them to compare the 6 challenging units, identify how court cases have shaped our history, and examine the continuities and changes of political parties and government leadership, better than re-reading their textbook ever could.

 Please help support these high-achieving, university bound students. Give them a chance to earn 3s, 4s and 5s on an exam that they have been preparing for since August. Your support could help my 11-12th grade students earn college credit before they ever step foot on a campus.

Each review book is about $15!


Back Up Plan

If I do not meet my goal I will purchase as many review guides as possible with the money raised!

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About the Creator

Greetings! I teach AP Government and Politics and Government/Economics!

Investments (3)



9 years ago


Deborah Speer

9 years ago


Bob Philpott

9 years ago