Funding Books Clubs for 3rd Graders

Verified Non-Profit

Verified Non-Profit

The Description

With these funds I sets of books for our entire third grade with a focus on lower level books for our struggling readers.  Book sets are particularly expensive, because you have to buy 4-5 copies of each book for book clubs.  For example, on Lee & Low:

Five books at Level F cost $32, but that's just one copy of each book.  If you want to work with a group of 4 students, then you need 4 books at $32 each, which is $128.  Five books cover 5 weeks, but if you want to plan for 10 weeks, then you need 10 books, which is $256, and that's just for 4 students out of 66 3rd graders.

We want to be able to provide extra guided reading time for some of our students, but cannot afford buying extra copies of the same book.  In addition, we want to buy specific book sets for our project on animal migration and people immigration so that English Language Learners and struggling readers can access the information.  

Thank you so much!

Back Up Plan

If I do not meet my goal I will many book sets as possible.  One book set of 5 is approximately $25-30. 

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About the Creator

3rd grade teacher at High Tech Elementary North County, San Marcos, CA. Our class has 22 students that are working on a project about social stereotypes. We want to change negative stereotypes around gender and race.

Investments (6)


J Anthony Manger

8 years ago


Joan S. Haley

8 years ago


Ursula McDonald

8 years ago


Jason Gibbons

8 years ago


Mary Anne Trause

8 years ago


Megan S vOs

8 years ago