A Colorful Journey

Verified Non-Profit

$500 goal

The Description
Nottingham Elementary students are eager to begin their new educational journey this school year. Students are excited about new classmates, new teachers, and new learning opportunities. Nottingham Elementary is a campus buzzing with enthusiastic teachers, positive classroom ecosystems, and plenty of school spirit! There is one thing, though, that our campus cannot afford us teachers or students. That one thing is a color printer.
Being a Title 1 campus means that majority of the students that we, at Nottingham Elementary, are tasked to serve are underprivileged and come from lower socioeconomic backgrounds. On our campus, we have had a recent growth in learners whose native language is one other than English. In an attempt to meet the academic and language needs of English Language Learners, teachers often use real-world pictures and examples to help students build background knowledge, and academic vocabulary. Providing students with pictures of realia is difficult to do when the pictures they see are often printed in black and white. With the help of a color printer, classrooms on campus will be transformed into learning environments with colorful pictures and vocabulary that are relevant to content standards, and appropriate for English language learners. These students deserve a colorful learning experience that we can't provide in our current state of budgetary constraints.
Your donation today, will help us, at Nottingham Elementary, reach our goal of meeting the needs of every child. With these funds we will purchase one color laser printer and toner that will suffice for one school year.
Our learners' journey has just been made easier, thanks to your generosity!
Back Up Plan
If I do not meet my goal, we will purchase a smaller inkjet printer for our grade level teams to use in order to provide the best learning experience for our English language learners.
About the Creator

Investments (2)
Barbara Polnick
8 years ago
Kordney Govan
8 years ago
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