Community Playground Project

Verified Non-Profit

$300 goal

The Description
Help us refurbish a playground at a preschool in our local community!
High Tech High North County is a project based learning school that focuses on real world experiences and creating products with a purpose. In my 11th grade humanities class we have been studying inspirational people and social movements throughout history. For our Power of One project students have identified causes that they are passionate about and are partnering with local organizations to design a project that meets the needs of the organization.
A group of my students is designing a new playground space for a preschool at North County Community Services (NCCS). NCCS is a local nonprofit organization that aims to improve the health and well-being of residents in North County San Diego. Some of their services include providing early childhood education programs, supporting working families, and giving food to the hungry. My students have been learning about the impact of poverty on children and the importance of childhood education in class. They now have the chance to make a positive impact at the preschool by beautifying the space and constructing new play spaces for the children.
With the money raised, we will be purchasing wood, paint, protective padding, and tools for the project.
Back Up Plan
If I do not meet my goal, I will purchase some of the project supplies so we can still partially beautify the space.
Fundraiser Updates (1)
Project Progress
March 18, 2016
This week my students have been creating road signs, a chalk table, a pirate-themed play structure, and a water table for our partner preschool. Today we painted the bike path and dropped off some of our finished products. Thank you for everyone's support!
About the Creator

Investments (5)
Ashley DeGrano
9 years ago
Beth Deluca
9 years ago
9 years ago
Lindsey Mohan Hawkins
9 years ago
9 years ago
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