Baseball Equipment and Uniforms

Verified Non-Profit

Verified Non-Profit

The Description

With these funds I will purchase grey baseball pants - We will need approximately 15 pairs and they're $40 a piece. 

Also, because we cannot afford 2 uniforms (a lot of baseball teams have around 4 uniforms) we have decided to get 2 hats. The one listed here is a Fairley throwback hat and our guys love it! - We will purchase approximately 15 hats and they're about $31 a piece. 

Some players cannot afford cleats. Here is affordable option that we have found -

As far as cleats go we have about 5-7 players who will need them. Each pair of cleats is about $65.

We have a lot of equipment but really need some wiffles balls -

We could use about 4 bags of wiffle balls at $18 a bag. 

Back Up Plan

If I do not meet my goal I will purchase...cleats for players who cannot afford them. Whatever money we have we will spend on what we can.

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About the Creator

Hi, everyone! I am a 9th grade physics teacher at the school with the best students in Memphis,TN. I work at Fairley High, home of the bulldogs. I also am the head coach of the Bulldog Baseball Team. We have a tight knit family that takes care of each member. The boys lead each other and teach each other if they don't understand certain aspects of the game. They are a great group and are the highlight of my day. Last year, our record was 7 wins and 5 losses. We hope to do even better this year by working harder every day. Thanks for your interest in supporting our team!

Investments (16)



8 years ago



8 years ago


Joni Hunter

8 years ago



8 years ago



8 years ago



8 years ago


Charlesa Gray

9 years ago



9 years ago


Timmy Christopher

9 years ago



9 years ago


Nashanda Rimmer

9 years ago


Rakesha Kelley

9 years ago



9 years ago



9 years ago


Wesley Turner

9 years ago


Kelley Queener

9 years ago