UCA--Love Your Library

The Description

With these funds I will contract with Follett in order to catalog all the books in the library and add new books. This will enable all students and parents to access our library database and know what is in the library and available to check out. I will also purchase supplies for the cataloging process.

Back Up Plan

These funds are crucially important to be able to get the school library running properly.

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Comments (1)

Diana Dyer January 17, 2024

Happy to support our library ❤️

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About the Creator

I have been in Christian education for many years and love to see students desire to learn more and grow in the Lord.

Investments (12)


Kathy Foley

7 months ago



7 months ago


Carla Conyers

7 months ago


Lisa Gano

7 months ago



7 months ago


Heather & Pedro Santana

7 months ago


Grace Cotton

7 months ago


Jim and Diana Dyer

7 months ago


Jim and Diana Dyer

7 months ago


D.E. and Daphne Williams

10 months ago


Ross Owen

10 months ago


Aiden and Avery Shifflett

10 months ago