Little Picasso

Verified Non-Profit

Verified Non-Profit

The Description

With these funds I will purchase a class room set of about 35 easels.  This is so that my students can have the chance to paint outside and have their own area with painting.  When four students are painting on one table it causes other students to mess up someone elses work.  I will also purchase aprons and appropriate paint for the younger students.  Each easel is between $10 to $15 at Hobby Lobby.  The aprons and the paint are from $5 to $10.  These materials will create a huge impact on my students because they are able to paint outside of the classroom and paint they way Leonardo DaVinci paints.  My students have grown so much over the years and they really deserve to experience all aspects of art to help grow their minds artistically.  When teaching younger students you have to have new and exciting things in order to keep them engaged.  This purchase will be that spark to have each and eveery student wanting to come to art every day.

Back Up Plan

If I do not meet my goal I will purchase as many easels that I can with the funds that I have.

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About the Creator

This is my 2nd year teaching art with KIPP Houston. I love my students, I love my job and I love what I do.

Investments (2)



9 years ago



9 years ago