Wii Can Exercise and Learn

Verified Non-Profit

$300 goal

The Description
With these funds I will...
purchase a Wii U for my students to use on rainy days and as a reward for good behavior. Sometimes students need a little extra motivation to manage their behavior. Earning 10 minutes of free time on the Wii U will provide a great incentive. Additionally, rainy days on campus mean cooped-up kids. We are gathering a collection of activities for students to do during rainy days. Additionally, research shows us that brains need frequent breaks in order to learn at their best. This Wii U will help provide our students with these needed breaks.
Our students are hard-working. They deserve every opportunity to succeed at school.
One Wii U Deluxe Set: $295.99
Back Up Plan
I will purchase...board games and activities for my students to do.
About the Creator

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