Playground Face-lift!

Verified Non-Profit

$3,000 goal

The Description
With these funds I will design and create a play space for the entire student body. Students will be able to develop their agility, balance and work on their gross motor skills.
We currently do not have a proper playground for our students. Play time will be organised as students will have different activities to choose from that will build team work and help them to learn to take turns and work together to accomplish a goal. Recess will no longer be chaotic and will run smoothly. The play yard will have painted games on the ground, a walking track, 2 basketball half courts. Seats for students who would just like to sit and read. We will up grade our current play equipment by putting rubber matting underneath that should a child fall off the equipment they will not hurt them self. We will create a climbing wall with hand and foot holds for the children to climb.
Children who have recess are able to burn off their excess energy and will return to the classroom ready to settle in and learn for the rest of the day.
We will be purchasing Stripper paint, playground stencils, paint brushes, paint rollers, chalking tape, playground chalk, 100ft and 25ft measuring tape:
Back Up Plan
If I do not meet my goal I will purchase the paints to design the playground, ask parents and business in the area to donate paint brushes and rollers. I will try to ask my fellow co-workers to donate items from our list that we are not able to purchase due to lack of funds. I will also look around for items that can be re-used and made into something new such as getting old tires and painting them to create a agility area. Get tree stumps to use as seats. Using wood and half of an old tire to create a see saw.
About the Creator

I am a Parelegal by Profession, but chose to work with the Parents and Children to help remove the barriers that the Urban Youth may encounter to gaining an education. I work closely with the District Attorney's office to find resources to help families in Crisis eliminate the barriers that would prohibit their children from attending school daily.
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