Improving Reading Skills

Verified Non-Profit

$450 goal
The Description
My name is Ms. Jones and I teach 5th grade! I have learned over the past few years that if I want my students to learn and have the best...then...I have to find way to make it happen!!! With this being said, I am asking for help from you to help my students. I have started this project to try and give my students more opportunities.
With these funds I will purchase 2 iPad Minis for my Reading Language Arts classes. The current reading series our state has adopted is based on using iPads. However, our county can not afford to purchase an iPad for every student. I am making it my mission to get 25 iPads in my classroom so both of the Reading classes I teach have access to all of the material that has been purchased, but can only be used on iPads. My students also participate in a supplemental math program which makes us travel to the computer lab every day. However, with the new reading series, they have taken the lab away and are using it for interventions. It would be a great attribute to have the iPads in the classroom so we could do the math program in the classroom as well, the reading.
Your donation will give me the opportunity to let my students explore all the materials provided with this reading series, as well as, use a few other great apps that I have found. I would love for my students to get to use an app called "Adobe-Voice." This a program that enables the kids to story tell. Students have had all aspects of imagination taken away from them these days with test after test. This program will give them the opportunity to be creative while telling and writing stories. However, this is an app made only for iPads at this time.
I feel my students deserve this opportunity because we live in a low-socio-economic area in West Virginia. As a teacher in West Virginia the funding is scare and far in between. We are under paid and I do not personally have the funding to buy all of the nice technology that I wish my students deserve. Many of my students will never see or even use an Ipad unless it is within the classroom. The students are 5th graders who are trying to make a difference in this world. 17 of the 45 students are below level, and this would be a great way to help them interact and understand material in a different aspect.
If I am lucky enough to receive the funding needed, I will be purchasing 2 original iPad Minis from our local store (the store has agreed to work with me on the price if I can raise the money).
Thank you for your time and we greatly appreciate any donation that is contributed to our cause.
Back Up Plan
If I do not meet my goal I will purchase my students art to supplies, such as; construction paper, glue sticks, index cards, computer paper, scissors, and colored pencils, so that we can use them to try and enhance some of the reading stories within the new reading series.
About the Creator
Investments (1)
9 years ago
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