Books for Counseling

Verified Non-Profit

$200 goal

The Description
With these funds I will...
Purchase books to help my students learn to manage their feelings and behavior. These books discuss difficult topics such as anger management and bullying in a way that children can understand. I will use these books in my counseling sessions with individual students as well as my whole group lessons.
My students come to school with many challenging circumstances. My job as their counselor is to teach them how to manage their feelings about these circumstances. They deserve the best.
I will purchase Julia Cook Books:
$85.95 Set of 10 Books:
Lying Up a Storm: $8.74
I Can't Believe You Said That: $9.86
It's Not My Fault: $9.86
Making Friends Is An Art: $9.86
Baditude: $9.86
I Just Want to Do It My Way: $7.80
SodaPop Head: $7.80
Ricky Sticky Fingers: $9.72
Decibella: $8.85
Back Up Plan
I will purchase...fewer books for my students.
About the Creator

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