Readers Cafe

Verified Non-Profit

Verified Non-Profit

The Description

With these funds I will…create an environment that fosters an authentic learning experience. I will use funds to completely makeover my classroom from a rigid bland box to a calm and creative Reader's cafe.  The cafe's purpose is to ensure that students are successful at Comprehension, Accuracy, Fluency and Expand Vocabulary. In order to reach my goal I am requesting the donation go towards removing all the desks and purchasing comfortable seats, bean bags, rug and floor pillows.  The environment created will further create a relaxed, diverse, collaborative culture which ensures varied perspectives and rich, social interactions to deepen students’ connections to literature and to the world around them. 

Additionally, the Cafe's open layout and alternative seating is tailored for the physical and social needs of adolescent learners. Movement and communication are not hindered by traditional, restrictive furniture. Instead, bean bags, bungee chairs, exercise balls, and gaming chairs support the varied learning styles and energy levels of our learners. My students deserve this experience because they work hard and are avid readers and I'd like to further encourage them to be lifelong readers and authentic, 21st century learning. 

These units can be purchased at Walmart, Target and/or Ikea.  

DHP Ariana Junior Futon & Mattress; $115.99 (

Kid Carpet Blocks Seating Area Rug Rug Size: 7'6" x 12'; $280 (,or.r_cp.&bvm=bv.102537793,d.cGU&tch=1&ech=1&psi=GZH3VbiGEobEogS83Lpg.1442287898048.3&prds=paur:ClkAsKraX6gXTOjIgmvwJuNgO4vY5byoWycKewPuZ11jmNcHtZuzCME20WDoihRMP3jdu6WbvY8D18LawUkwGFOKHs-uX1hNB5A33Gr3v_N-RH9kNxTzKcJ0RxIZAFPVH70IQc7uoPcfGDFfFZYB8ximD1sPAw&ved=0CGUQpitqFQoTCI-Pn5CN-McCFck5iAodR8YA7w&ei=HZH3Vc-MHMnzoATHjIP4Dg)


Back Up Plan

If I do not meet my goal I will purchase…smaller items that'll provide a huge impact on the classroom design and ask my students' parents for donations.  I can try to create a fundraiser that will provide these materials for my students since I feel that it's possible and necessary to provide this for my students.  

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About the Creator

I'm a 7th grade Reading teacher and Reading coordinator.

Investments (1)



9 years ago