Shirts for Success

Verified Non-Profit

$4,500 goal

The Description
With these funds, I will purchase college shirts (specifically representing Texas A&M University) for all 750 students at my school. My students attend a Title 1 elementary school in Houston, TX. The students at my school are unique. They are caring. They are creative. They are insightful. They have passion. They have dreams. They have potential.
My students are a part of a district-wide initiative to double the attendance of high school graduates to attend a 2 year, 4 year or technical college by the end of the 2017 school year (T-2-4). The idea behind purchasing each student a college shirt to wear on college spirit days at school is to contribute to this district goal, but to also expose students to college and remind them to continue striving to perform their best at school, even at an elementary level. This elementary career creates the solid foundation for the rest of their educational career and therefore their futures; college included. A desire to attend college and develop skills necessary to have the occupation of a child's dreams begins at this young elementary school level. Every student, regardless of financial situations, disability, family situation or other hardship has the right to be exposed to the endless possibilities and potential their future holds. This small spark could be the beginning point of it all for some students and their future.
I have chosen to purchase shirts from Texas A&M University for several reasons. Firstly, Texas A&M University represents the students at my school through its core values and traditions. The core values and traditions of Texas A&M University, (excellence, integrity, leadership, loyalty, respect, and selfless service) are all values that teachers at my school strive to demonstrate and teach to our students. Texas A&M University is also encouraging of students pursuing their desires, passions, and dreams through various field experiences and research. I believe that how we teach our students to learn now by providing hands on learning experiences and other opportunities mirrors the teaching of Texas A&M University. Lastly, as a campus with multiple former students, we as teachers see the importance of higher education and can each personally describe the impact Texas A&M University has made on our lives.
Although this year may be the ending year of T-2-4, my students' passion for learning and potential does not end this year. They will continue to be unique, caring, creative, insightful, passionate, dreamers and carry their potential beyond their elementary education. It is a part of my job as an educator to continue to pursue the accomplishment of this T-2-4 goal for my current students and help to create a desire to attend a post-secondary education after graduation high school.
Back Up Plan
If I do not meet my goal I will purchase as many shirts as possible for students to use throughout the year in award assemblies, wonderful student performance, or other circumstances as seen fit by my administration team.
Fundraiser Updates (2)
September 30, 2016
WOW! What a wonderful community PledgeCents has created to help endorse the academic goals and dreams of students!
With only 6 days left to make investments in this cause, if you have not yet considered making an investment in Shirts for Success, please take a moment to read about what we hope to accomplish by providing EVERY child at Pine Shadows a college t-shirt.
Thank you for believing in this investment and more importantly, the future education and success of our students!
One Week Left!
September 29, 2016
Howdy, all!
With one week left to go, please consider making an investment to this cause! We are looking to encourage children to reach beyond high school and begin to think about their college careers at the elementary school level. Every student has the potential to attend college and we want to light that spark for our students!
Thank you so much for encouraging and believing in our students!
About the Creator

Investments (9)
Buffie Matthews
8 years ago
Adriana Gonzalez
8 years ago
Austin Wall
8 years ago
8 years ago
Miranda Wilson
8 years ago
Zulkifl Gire
8 years ago
Brandie Eneks
8 years ago
K David Quackenbush
8 years ago
Amber Stallworth
8 years ago
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