Building The Foundation: Startup Classroom Supplies

The Description

This fall, I will be responsible for my very own classroom at W.W. Samuell High School in Dallas ISD! I can't wait to meet my students, their families, and members of the community that I will be teaching in. One of the biggest obstacles that many of my students will face is a lack of school supplies needed for daily learning. Without these materials, it could be difficult to complete classwork and participate in school activities, thereby making it burdensome for these scholars to attain a quality education.

I will use the funds that I raise to purchase the supplies needed to welcome my students to a classroom that is clean and well-stocked. Furthermore, with these funds, I will be able to provide required materials to students that would otherwise not have them. Finally, I will purchase copy paper to ensure that I can provide my students with high quality learning materials, such as notes, worksheets, and exams. I am beyond thankful that you are considering to support me and my students during this exciting journey.

Every dollar I receive will be put towards classroom supplies, so any contribution, large or small, will make a positive difference during my first year. I hope to make a great impression and a lasting impact on my students, and your donation can help bring this to fruition. Here is a complete list of materials that your generous investment will help me provide:

Back Up Plan

If I do not meet my goal, I will purchase as many materials as possible. I will prioritize the materials that are most essential to students (pencils, paper, etc.) as they are the most important to ensuring that students can participate in daily lessons.

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Comments (1)

Eugene Han July 25, 2018

So proud of and happy for you Vig. You’re gonna do big things and I can’t wait to follow every step. Thanks for being a leader, mentor, and friend.

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About the Creator

Vignesh Ramdas is a recent alumnus of The University of Texas at Austin. Following his graduation, he will serve Dallas ISD and the Pleasant Grove community as a pre-calculus teacher of juniors (11th grade) and seniors (12th grade) at W.W. Samuell High School. Additionally, as a Teach For America corps member, Vignesh is part of a nationwide movement of educators, lawyers, politicians, and community leaders who seek to end education inequity in the United States.