Crayons, Scissors, Glue, Oh My!

Verified Non-Profit

$100 goal
The Description
With these funds I will purchase basic classroom supplies for my students. I will be able to buy crayons, glue, and scissors for students to use. I'm not sure what happens to all of our crayons, but kindergartners are constantly running out of crayons and glue. These supplies are used daily in our classroom. This will help students to be prepared for the day and to feel success. My Kindergartners will also be learning how to be responsible and take care of their school tools.
Crayons = $59.99:
Glue = $1.39 each (need 20):
Scissors = $2.09 (need 5):
Back Up Plan
If I do not meet my goal I will purchase crayons in individual packs so that I can get the most for my students.
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