A STEM Exploration: Building Wind Turbines

Verified Non-Profit

$300 goal

The Description
With these funds I will...use STEM skills with my students to build wind turbines using kidwind.org supplies and curriculum. Each kit costs $100 and will provide building supplies for 40 students; I am asking for 3 kits so each student can have hands on experience. Students will track atmospheric patterns, chart topographical maps to decide where to build their wind turbines. Additionally, they will design the turbine blades, test and make improvements based on the outcome and their hypotheses. The lesson will provide real world problem solving skills as well as modern technology to build interest in alternative energy sources that will propel them into the future of science and technology.
Back Up Plan
If I do not meet my goal I will purchase...my students will need to supply the materials that need to be acquired to design and build the wind turbines.
About the Creator

Investments (2)
9 years ago
carrie grosso
9 years ago
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