Physics Are Fun!

Verified Non-Profit

$175 goal

The Description
With these funds I will...
purchase a set of manipulatives that teaches the children about physics. This set will provide my students with hands-on activities that will help them to understand basic physics principals. Later in life, when they must apply these concepts, they will have built a background knowledge which will help them learn the specific information more easily. This knowledge will also help them to gain a better understanding about the world around them. This set will also serve as a form of enrichment for my more advanced students who need activities that challenge their minds.
My students are awesome and they love to learn. They deserve to have activities in the classroom that make learning fun and engaging.
I will purchase one fischertechnik Dynamic - Fun with Physics set. It costs $149.99.
Back Up Plan
I will purchase...individual physics activities for my classroom.
About the Creator

Investments (1)
Katie Chirhart
9 years ago
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