TEAM Building - One Classroom. One Mission
Verified Non-Profit
$400 goal
The Description
With these funds I will...purchase team-building puzzles,games and read-alouds which promote cooperation, leadership, communication, and teamwork! Help me increase my positive classroom environment and provide a fun learning routine.
This money will directly impact my scholars by building more excitement within our classroom culture, help establish trust and build shared experiences between scholars.
We plan to purchase more educational puzzles which are good team building activities, great icebreakers and are fun ways to continue the process of building a strong team/class based on positive relationships. Some of the puzzles would include:
- Life sized Jenga
- Charades for kids
- Connect 4
- Twister
- Uno
We also would like to purchase books that focus on working together and teamwork. These books would be used for read-alouds and group discussions some of the book titles I would like to purchase are: "Cook-a-doodle-Doo" by Janet Stevens; "The Giant Ball of String" by Geisert; "The Little Red Hen and the Ear of Wheat" by Finch; "One For All—All For One" by Weninger; "The Giant Carrot" by Peck; "The Little Red Hen" by Sturges; "Barton Stone Soup" by Muth; "Bone Soup" by Evans; or "Ugly Pie" by Wheeler.
My goal is for my scholars to learn how to effectively work with one another thus lowering conflicts in and out of the classroom.
Back Up Plan
If I do not meet my goal I will purchase... puzzles, games and books. I just will buy a smaller quantity of items.
About the Creator
Investments (9)
Leigh Bens
9 years ago
Maria Fernanda Fortiz
9 years ago
kylean weaver
9 years ago
Ebony Garbutt
9 years ago
9 years ago
Mercedes Mark
9 years ago
Angela Grant Clayton
9 years ago
9 years ago
9 years ago
Comments (1)
Angela October 10, 2015
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