School Supplies & Classroom Books!

Verified Non-Profit

Verified Non-Profit

The Description

With these funds I will... buy much needed school supplies for my students! This takes away the financial strain and stress from the parents so they can assist their child at home with more happiness. Students have been working so hard this year that we are in need of more pencils, pens (for checking their amazing writing work), highlighters, paper, notebooks, colored pencils, markers, crayons, and many more that would enhance the ease of our daily work. Also... books, books, books! We are in need of many new books to fill up our classroom library. Students can check these books out on the weekend and they take great pride in our classroom library. I would also like to purchase books to give to students as prizes. These are great incentives and the children love to have more books to call their own. Thanks so much for your time in reading this and hopefully, your support! :) 

Back Up Plan

If I do not meet my goal I will purchase... all the books and supplies that I can with the money we receive.

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About the Creator

From IL to Seoul to Houston, teaching is my passion!

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