Savvy Scientists

Verified Non-Profit

$2,000 goal

The Description
With these funds I will purchase materials (within the science department) for labs as well as equipment that will make the science classroom more interactive. My students crave the use of technology but do not always have access to it. Therefore, it is vital that we use 21st century tools that will help students become global competitors. My students deserve access to these resources because they have a love of learning but do not always have the tools to be a more competitive global citizen. I will use the funds raised to purchase lab supplies, technology tools, and other materials needed by our 12 science teachers. Some of the funds will also be used on team building activities so that all teachers are more encouraged to be collaborative learners. This will ensure that our science department is moving in the right direction for the better of all of our students. We would be purchasing lab supplies such as toothpicks, gum drops, scientist composition notebooks, pencils, paper, Ziplock bags, and gloves. We would buy at least 30 of each item to have at least one class set so that the teachers are able to borrow from each other. The items are so important for the teachers to incorporate into their classrooms so that we are able to meet the needs of all of our teachers and their students' needs.
Back Up Plan
If I do not meet my goal I will purchase what materials I can such as gum drops for labs as well as small trinkets that will make the labs interactive and exciting. There are so many creative lab ideas that will provide a real connection for the students. However, we do not always have the funds necessary to make the labs come to fruition.
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