Test Prep Books for AP Chemistry

Verified Non-Profit

$146 goal

The Description
With these funds I will purchase test prep books for my AP Chemistry students.
My students do not have the funds to purchase their own test prep resources, and the time of year is coming where students need to be studying and preparing for their AP exams. My AP Chemistry students would each receive a test prep book that they could then utilize to review material, practice AP level questions, and complete whole practice exams. This will greatly increase my students preparedness for the rigorous exam, as they prepare to be among the first students from their high school to pass this difficult test.
My students would use these preparation books daily to prepare for the exam. They will work hard in order to be best prepared to take and pass this tough assessment.
I will be purchasing 9 test prep books with your donation. They cost $15 each.
Back Up Plan
If I do not meet my goal I will purchase as many test prep books as I am able to afford, and I will have students share these resources until I am able to raise the money to purchase more.
About the Creator

Investments (5)
Jose Quezada
9 years ago
Jose Quezada
9 years ago
9 years ago
Sarah Odorisio
9 years ago
Rachel Landess
9 years ago
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