Development Matters

Verified Non-Profit

Verified Non-Profit

The Description

Learning 21st Century Skills are essential to ensure the college readiness standards are met in our school. Harry Stone is looking to purchase Atomic Learning; a Digital Development platform that will provide our students with the means to explore and learn a variety of technology skills using real-world applications and tools. With our Montessori philosophy and International Baccalaureate principles, the self-paced learning and student-driven discoveries are enhanced with access to the Atomic Learning platform. Each IB student is expected to have a course in technology. Within that course, students are expected to conceptualize how technology can be used to make a global impact. Having access to a 24/7 learning platform, students will be exposed to lessons in coding, Microsoft, Google Apps for Education; lessons that can help student not only understand the role of technology in today’s world, but help them garner sufficient skills to make an immediate global impact. The purchase of Atomic Learning also provides a community service opportunity. Students at Harry Stone are in the process of designing a remodeling effort of our old Home Economics room. The idea is to turn it into a Cyber Cafe that would open to the community to serve those who do not have a computer or internet access at home. Atomic Learning can be used as a Professional Development piece in which our parents and members of our community can gain job skills by becoming proficient in programs like Microsoft and Adobe. Student’s will manage the program and act as guides for community users while earning community service hours to fulfill their IB requirements.

Back Up Plan

If we don't reach our entire goal we will...use the funds as a down payment for Atomic Learning. Due to budget crunches, the company will allow us to pay in billing increments if funds are slow to come in.

Fundraiser Updates (1)

In the Process...

April 25, 2014

Thanks to all those who invested in our cause, Harry Stone has started a College Readiness PD program for our 8th grade students. Currently, we are doing this as a pilot and will launch the full program in the Fall. We will use Atomic Learning for our teacher PD bootcamp in August to get them ready for a full Google deployment and our potential 1:1 program. The current students using the pilot have used the tutorials to enhance their video production skills. You can see what they have learned by going to www.stoneagethinking and accessing the Advanced Technology page under Samsung. 

Once again thank you very much for your support. 

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About the Creator

My educational passion is to get Harry Stone thinking about the digital age and how our students can use technology to make an immediate global impact. I have been in this current position for 1 year and our community has embraced the need to step into the 21st Century and face the financial challenge that it brings. My continued goal is to introduce our students, staff and community to new technologies, expose them to the power of technology in the classroom and most importantly, create an environment that meets our students where they are. We call this StoneAgeThinking!

Investments (13)


Katie Kaufman

10 years ago


kyle brooks

10 years ago


Michael DeBonville

10 years ago


Courtney Fuller

10 years ago


robert jetmundsen

10 years ago


Will Patchell

10 years ago


Will Patchell

11 years ago


PledgeCents Team

11 years ago


Julian Rangel

11 years ago


Elliot Gerson

11 years ago


Bahareh Jalalabadi

11 years ago


Robert Aycock

11 years ago


Christin Snodgrass

11 years ago