Help Us Be A School of Readers!

Verified Non-Profit

$2,000 goal

The Description
The ratio of books per child in middle-class neighborhoods is 13 to 1. In low-income neighborhoods it is one book for every 300 kids. The disparities are alarming, especially when we consider the value of reading – both teacher selected and self-selected texts. Studies have shown that for every 60 minutes per school day spent reading trade books, students progress 2.66 grade levels annually.
While we often benefit from book drive donations, the diversity of our students necessitates access to a broad range of books. No drive or novel selection committee can select books to meet the cultural needs of all students we serve. Only libraries with extensive choice can do this. In our quest to transform Mastery Shoemaker’s campus into a “School of Readers”, we must build robust classroom libraries and expand our Guided Reading library.
This project will consist of adding to the collections of eight classroom libraries for grades 7th - 8th. Libraries will be organized to ensure that students can easily find books that appeal to their interests and match their independent reading levels. We will do this by purchasing two appropriately leveled and engaging Varsity Starter Kits (100 books per kit), from American Reading Company because their book selections are appropriately leveled and high interest.
Additionally, our Guided Reading library will be expanded to provide enough text variety so that teachers can ensure they are not teaching repeat texts. Guided reading library books (sets of six) will be purchased from Scholastic. This grant would allow us to purchase an additional 25 sets of guided reading books, with a focus on adding specifically to our non-fiction collection.
Back Up Plan
If I do not meet my goal I will purchase as many kits as possible with the funds raised.
About the Creator

Investments (12)
Edward Pak
8 years ago
9 years ago
Elaine Elaine
9 years ago
9 years ago
Habibah Smith
9 years ago
9 years ago
9 years ago
Matt MacMurchy
9 years ago
9 years ago
Rose Dickerson
9 years ago
9 years ago
Michelle Brown
9 years ago
Comments (2)
Rick March 4, 2016
Matt March 4, 2016
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