Owl Pellets for Science

Verified Non-Profit

$130 goal

The Description
With these funds I will...
purchase owl pellets for my students. Owl pellets are a great way to teach students about prey/predators, owls, and bones. Being able to dissect these pellets in my class, teaches my students a great deal. They are able to see first-hand how an animal digestive system works. They are able to compare/contrast bones and learn about prey and predators in a hands-on way.
My students love to learn and they deserve to learn with hands-on experiences such as this one.
I will purchase 3 sets of 25 Barn Owl Pellets for $50 each. Shipping is an additional $5.00.
Back Up Plan
I will purchase...fewer sets of Owl Pellets for my students.
About the Creator

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