A Drying Rack and Art Supplies!

Verified Non-Profit

Verified Non-Profit

The Description

With these funds I will..

Be able to keep a more efficient and organized classroom for my students to keep their work. We are running out of room for our masterpieces, and really need the extra organizational space in the studio! 

With the art supplies, we will be able to create more work and explore new media. Our art program is still fairly new, and I am working toward building the program and supplies so that students have the opportunity to use and learn about many different styles of art through multiple media. 

My students are IN LOVE with art! They love to create and work very hard to practice their skills. Other teachers are always letting me know how often my students talk about art in their other classes! My classes range from Art 1-AP Art and students are encouraged to try new things and push themselves to create their best work. My students are from an inner city, urban area and sometimes struggle with finding beauty in their everyday lives. Being able to learn about art and create their own work brings them a sense of pride and joy, and gives them something to look forward to every day! Having these materials will give them new experiences, and help them make personal connections to the artists we study in class. Many of my students have never painted, used clay or oil pastel before in their lives, so by supplying them with these materials, you will be helping them enrich their lives through art. 

I would like to purchase the drying rack to allow my students a more structured and organized place for their work to dry. Oftentimes the students work will fall on the floor and become dirty because all I have is a clothes line strung across the room for wet work. It will encourage them to keep their work looking professional. 

The other supplies I will be purchasing will be Prismacolor colored pencils, paint, brushes, multi-media paper, etc. that will be used for a variety of projects. I would like these supplies to be professional grade as much as possible because my students submit work to competitions thoughout the year, and my AP students are working on putting together a professional portfolio for the AP Exam and college applications and interviews. 

When my budget allows, I typically order from SAX art supplies. This is the link to that site: https://store.schoolspecialty.com/OA_HTML/xxssi_ibeBrandPage.jsp?docName=V700816&minisite=10206

Back Up Plan

If I do not meet my goal I will purchase...

I will put whatever funds are raised toward the Dry rack (first and foremost) and then toward the other supplies mentioned above. 

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About the Creator

I am the Artist in Residence at KIPP Generations Collegiate. I teach Art I, Art II: Drawing, Art II: Sculpture and AP Art. We are involved with competitions, presenting our work in galleries and participating in community events.

Investments (2)



10 years ago



10 years ago