Standing Desks for Smedley Students

Verified Non-Profit

$6,186 goal

The Description
Students at my school are living in a neighborhood that has, until recently, been plagued with poor educational opportunities. Since our organization has taken over, students have made incredible progress in all academic areas and are truly on their way to becoming world class citizens. Many of the students I serve are labeled with special education needs and are considered to have learning disabilities.
I firmly believe that a majority of these students are capable of achieving incredible success if given the opportunity and motivation to do so.
Providing educational opportunities that incorporate a variety of learning styles that meet students where they are while still holding an incredibly high academic and behavior bar is crucial for the students that I serve. With the right tools and instruction, their creativity, ingenuity, and grit will allow them to change the world for the better, starting with their our neighborhood.
My Project
Everyone can relate to a time when they were losing attention in school and just need an opportunity to wake themselves us, add some interest to their class, and get out some energy! The standing desk has proven, both through research and anecdotally, to be a solution to many of the issues effecting students today.
When you donate to this cause, not only are you providing tools to help stimulate students toward a better education, you are giving to increasing their overall health and wellness.
A favorite quote from a partnering organization is that "Sitting is the new smoking". Many of us who spend hours a day sitting at a desk can attest to the back pain, tight legs, and overall feeling of lethargy that happens when we are glued to a seat many hours at a time. Imagine feeling this way while trying to have a discussion about the imagery and symbolism in a poem by Maya Angelou! With standing desks, students are more likely to be actively engaged, they have an outlet for excess energy, and they feel better about the time they spend within a traditional classroom.
I've already seen the effects with having one standing desk in the classroom and it truly changes the way some of our students interact in the classroom. I attempted to receive funding for an entire class set of desks, but it was a very large project and did not receive full funding in time. Now, we are taking it bit by bit, and over time, through several smaller projects, will be able to provide every student in my class, and eventually hopefully the entire school, with these amazing tools.
Back Up Plan
If we do not reach our goal we will continue to explore additional fundraising options because we believe this is crucial for our students.
About the Creator

Investments (1)
Rebecca Lynch
7 years ago
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