MCSC Class of 2017 Scholarship Fund

Verified Non-Profit

Verified Non-Profit

The Description

Our nation is founded upon the belief that if you work hard, you can make it; that if you work hard, opportunities will be available.

But for many of our students, even after twelve years of tireless work, the dream of attending college remains out of reach for the lack of money, sometimes even as little as $500.  These scholarships can mean the difference between attending college, and staying home.

Please consider donating to help build the Mastery Shoemaker Senior Class of 2017 Scholarship Fund! All seniors will apply for these scholarships during their Senior Seminar class (regardless of GPA and ACT scores) and recipients will be announced at Awards Night in June. Last year, we were able to provide SIX seniors with a $400 scholarship each! We hope to provide the same number of scholarships this year. Our scholarship recipients will be able to use this money to help make their post-secondary education more affordable (ie. help pay tuition, buy school books).

Thank you!
Ms. Donatoni (College Advisor) & the 12th grade team

Back Up Plan

If I do not meet my goal, we will provide as many scholarships as we can with the money raised! All money will go directly to our soon-to-be alumni.

Fundraiser Updates (1)

Thank You Update

May 2, 2017

Thank you to all of our donors! We will be awarding our Mastery Shoemaker scholarships to six seniors at Awards Night in June!

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About the Creator

Mastery Charter Shoemaker Campus is a neighborhood school located in West Philadelphia. We serve 750 low income students and families each academic year ranging from grades 7th through 12th grade. Shoemaker was historically known as a failing school and the 2nd most violent middle school in Philadelphia before it was converted to a charter school in 2006 by Mastery Charter Schools. Since the conversion, Shoemaker has had significant success in math scores, with an increase of 56 points in 8th grade and 71 points in 7th grade and reading scores have increased 41 points in 8th grade and 51 points in 7th grade. Additionally, violent incidences have dropped 90% and attendance and retention are above 90%. Most importantly, Shoemaker is producing high school graduates with 100% acceptance rates into institutions of higher learning and over 83% of those students have officially transitioned into those programs.

Investments (15)


Yefrenth Esquea

7 years ago


Theresa Bynum

7 years ago


Lindsay Turk

7 years ago



7 years ago



8 years ago


Winifred Lear

8 years ago


8 years ago


Keely McCarthy

8 years ago


Rebecca Heider

8 years ago


Theresa Bynum

8 years ago


Dwayne Wharton

8 years ago



8 years ago



8 years ago



8 years ago


Kathrina Berk

8 years ago