The Wolf Pack: "A good book and time to read it."

Verified Non-Profit

$11,939 goal

The Description
A lot of people talk about closing the achievement gap. Our students are actively doing it. From 2016 to 2017, reading proficiency at our school rose by 12%. If we maintain the current trajectory of growth, we will literally close the achievement gap between our students and their more affluent counterparts in the state of Pennsylvania in 1 or 2 years.
A key piece of our literacy approach is, quite simply: "A good book and time to read it."
We are seeking funds to increase the number of high interest books that our students can choose to read during independent reading time. Specifically, we want to add an average of 5 books per child for the 2017 - 2018 school year. We will do this through ordering 12 of the American Reading Company's Leveled Text Set series, which cost $965 per 100 books. These resources are student and teacher-friendly, and represent the quickest path to get great books into the hands of our students.
Back Up Plan
If we do not reach our goal, we will purchase as many text sets as we're able to. If we do not have a multiple of $965, then we will order as many text sets as we can, and order additional titles through Scholastic.
Fundraiser Updates (1)
February 21, 2018
We used the nearly $2,000 we raised to buy high-interest books from Scholastic for our 6th graders. Here are some photos of your funds in action:
From the bottom of our hearts, THANK YOU for contributing to enrich the minds and lives of our students here at Harrity.
About the Creator

Your Impact
5 books for an individual student
Sponsor 2 readers for the year
Buy a text set
Investments (12)
nina manni
7 years ago
Elizabeth Warshawer
7 years ago
Nick Jokola
7 years ago
Tracy Galloway
7 years ago
Kathleen Sailer
7 years ago
Maureen Yoder
7 years ago
Jacob Chinn
7 years ago
Pattie Sangillo
7 years ago
Rebecca Krauss
7 years ago
Daniel Ford
7 years ago
Peter Javian
7 years ago
Aaron Trigg
7 years ago
Comments (1)
Maureen Yoder November 18, 2017
Of course, this comes from a former first grade teacher...
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