High Interest Books for Refugee & Recent Immigrant Students

Verified Non-Profit

$600 goal
The Description
With these funds I will purchase high interest books that are at appropriate reading levels for my newcomers. Many of my students understand that they need to read more to become more proficient at reading in English. One issue that we have is that most books are either too difficult for beginners or they are not very interesting to high school students.
I was delighted when we were given a set of readers by High Noon Books. These books were very high interest but also written at a level that was accessible to students who are just learning to read in English.
This link provides more information about the books: http://bit.ly/2gdexZ2
The students were so excited to get these books that I would love to order more so everyone can have a book to take home. I teach in two different classrooms so I would like to purchase enough books to have a set in each room. Right now I am carrying the books we have back and forth.
I would like to purchase 50-60 books.
Some of these students are new to formal education and all of the students are very grateful for the education opportunity my class is providing to them. They work very hard.
I would also like for the non-fiction reading to build to a field trip we will take in the spring. The transportation and snack expenses make up $250 of this request.
Back Up Plan
If I do not meet my goal I will purchase only the number of books that we can afford.
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