Every Student Deserves to Feel Like They Belong

Verified Non-Profit

Verified Non-Profit

The Description

With these funds I will get house shirts made for our students. We started a house system at our school last year and the results were amazing.

The students were sorted into one of four houses: Isibindi, Reveur, Amistad, and Altruismo. This house system helped to create additionally communities of students within our school building. During the day students spend most of their time with their class and their classroom teacher. We plan to sort third grade this year, so that each house will have 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students. This helps create a "multi-grade-level" community and fosters a strong sense of belonging. Houses have lunch together monthly, they have morning meetings together weekly, and they compete for house points throughout the year.

Over 90% of our students don't speak English at home, and our current political climate creates a great deal of stress for our families. I want to do whatever I can to help our students understand and feel that they belong in our classrooms, schools, and communities. 

Back Up Plan

If we do not reach our goal I will purchase as many shirts as we can afford. If we can only afford 10, I will purchase a few per house to award to house leaders. If we can only purchase enough for one grade level, I will purchase for the 5th grade students. This money will go to house shirts no matter what.

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About the Creator

I am a fifth grade teacher and I love everything about it. Teaching is my life's passion! My heart lies in helping students recognize their greatness and their ability to change their world. I love teaching students about history and how it connects to current events. I do whatever it takes to make the learning fun and relevant to my students, so it's not unusual to walk by my classroom and see me in costume, or see one of my students leading a class discussion. I hope you'll help me to make our future brighter, by investing in my students!