Ice Cream, You Scream, We all Scream for Ice Cream!!!

Verified Non-Profit

$2,000 goal

The Description
With these funds I will take the entire sixth grade to visit the the Blue Bell Creamery in Brenham, Texas. This field trip is planned for the end of the year. The students will get to experience a tour learning about the company. Not only is the trip exciting, it also has educational purposes. The students can learn abou the history of Blue Bell as well as see how science ties into ice cream making with the chemical reaction. Students can be engaged by learning outside of the classroom. This field trip will also provide an incentive for students to look forward to and to work for all year long. We are in need of bus funding as well as funding for the admission price into the creamery. This field trip will provide an unforgettable experience to such deserving students.
Back Up Plan
If we don't reach our entire goal we will use what is raised towards bus funding and/or admission costs for the entire sixth grade. We are thankful for any and all help that we receive. Every penny counts!
Fundraiser Updates (1)
Carnival Prizes
February 5, 2015
Hello! We raised $79 of the $2,000 goal. For that reason, we were unable to take all of sixth grade to the Brenham Creamery. However, we did throw a carnival for our students who had earned fake money called Panda Bucks. They used the fake money to play games and (hopefully) win a prize if they won the game. Thanks for all your help!
About the Creator

Investments (3)
10 years ago
Sheila O'Brien
10 years ago
arash roozbeh
10 years ago
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